Sunday, May 25, 2014

Effie's Designs (05.23.14)

Right after I got back from the wonderful, amazing Nashville SL Jam (which I'll be posting about soon), I got contacted by one of the many people who I got to know better there. It was Effie Emmons, and she wanted to know if I was available to perform Friday evening at her place in SL. She was setting up an evening of live music with a few people who'd played at the Jam, including myself as well as Rock Doghouse and Franck Molko. I'd "known" Effie for years from SL and Facebook, but it wasn't until we were together in Nashville that I really felt like we became friends... partially from our having performed some songs together as well as hanging out and enjoying each other's company. I immediately accepted the gig; it was also a great time for a show, right as the Memorial Day weekend was kicking off.

The show at Effie's Designs was fun. We didn't have a huge crowd there (the weekday 4PM slot is nearly impossible for a crowd to gather while people in the USA are still getting home from work and so on), but a good number of people who'd we'd been having fun with in Nashville the weekend before stopped by, and it was good to get another chance to be with them, even though the pixels are never better than the flesh. Still, I think it was a pretty decent Zak Show overall. Also, since I'd spent a good chunk of the time on my flights to and from Nashville reading the Keith Richards autobiography Life, I did a Stones song that I'd somehow neglected performing before.

Spending time with my pals from the Nashville Jam is priceless in any world, virtual or otherwise. Photo and top photo by Kat.

Effie's Designs set list...
Jane (Barenaked Ladies)
Broken Day (Zak Claxton)
*Moonlight Mile (Rolling Stones)
Thanks Anyway (Zak Claxton)
Say Goodbye (Beck)
This Afternoon (Zak Claxton)
Always Tomorrow (Zak Claxton)
Landslide (Fleetwood Mac)
Things Behind the Sun (Nick Drake)
Falling Down (Zak Claxton)
Frigid Spring (Chairlift)
Tea in the Sahara (The Police)

*Indicates the first time I've performed this song in SL.

Thanks to all who came out to Effie's and supported the show!
Sassy Nitely, Rock Doghouse, Diana Renoir, Aurelie Chenaux, TheaDee, Kat Claxton, Leyah Renegade, my manager Maali Beck, and the lovely Effie Emmons!

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