Sunday, July 5, 2009

Zak Claxton Podcast

As many of you know, I ran into a bit of a scary situation last week when I ran into an unexpected case of tendinitis in my left hand. That's the fretting hand of a right-handed guitarist, and it's not good. So, I did the right thing; saw my doctor, made sure it wasn't anything more serious, and have treated it with ibuprofen and ice. It has definitely improved, and while I had to unfortunately cancel a show while I healed, I hope to be back to playing guitar very soon.

During my unforeseen hiatus, I decided to at least make some musical use of the time away from actually playing guitar, so I'm happy to present the Zak Claxton Podcast for summer 2009. You can listen to me babble about various things, as well as listen to the mixes from my upcoming album. Enjoy.

Zak Claxton Podcast (Summer 2009)

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