Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Hotel Chelsea (10.04.22)

Now that's what I'm talking about. Good times on a Tuesday night at Hotel Chelsea. Photo by Kat.

Well hello!

Yeah, I still haven't figured out what I want to do about this blog that is now 98% news, and 2% music things. I've decided it doesn't matter much to anyone, including me, so every once in awhile, my Random News reports will have a random music thing. Eventually I will break Random News off into its own thing, but ain't no one got time for that at the moment.

So What's Been Going On?
Oh, ya know. Just normal life stuff. A lot of work. Obviously, drawing closer and closer to the Midterm Elections on November 8, I've devoted more time to drawing attention to important issues that affect the decisions of voters. But does any of it really work? Does anyone change their voting outlook based on receiving new information?

Statistically, no. It's extraordinarily rare that someone who develops a deeply ingrained political worldview to switch, no matter what is presented to them. Why do I bother? A couple of reasons. First, there are plenty of people who, even in this politically polarized world, don't have any specific strong attachment to either major party. Second, it's a time where certain issues, like the overturn of Roe v Wade, cross the sharp separation of Democrat or Republican and affect people in their core beliefs.

So I have no plans of stopping. Also, I hear from enough people who simply enjoy reading my Random News and claim they learn things as a result that I know it's worthwhile to some degree. I'm not changing the world, but if even just a few people decide to be active voters as a result of my messaging, it's 100% worth the few minutes each day I spend aggregating these news items.

How Was That Show?
Oh damn, it was a great one. Ask any performer anywhere in any art, and they will all tell you that a performance is measured on two main factors: how well you feel you did in terms of achieving your own artistic standards with the performance, and how the people who experienced the performance reacted.

Was this a good show? Yes. Do I require a large crowd for it to be a good show? No. Do I play better when people are obviously enjoying the show? Hell yes I do. Photo by Kat.

I arrived at Hotel Chelsea in Second Life and was happy to see a good-sized crowd there enjoying Max Kleene's show. It had been a busy day and I actually was running a tiny bit late, in terms of being warmed up and having my set list finalized. The reason for one of my last-minute song changes is a sad one.

RIP Hohner Marine Band Special 20 Harmonica in G
Yeah. It's THE harmonica. The one I used on my solo album from 2009 and countless shows in SL. I have other Marine Band harps in different keys, but that G harp has been a stalwart of my music on so many songs. It's my go-to.

I was warming up for the show and went to do the bluesy harp solo on "Falling Down", and realized with some degree of horror that one of the reeds was just... gone. No matter how I tried to get it to sound, it was silent.

Is it weird that I want to hold a funeral for this inanimate object? Yes, it is.

It's not so much the $55 it will take to replace it. That particular harp definitely has sentimental value to me. Alas, I'll need to get a new one. It had served me well for about 17 years so... no complaints. The funny thing is that what I ended up playing in it's place is an original of mine called "Come Around", and looking through my set lists over the years, I'd only played it once going back to 2014. The funny thing, which I told my audience about as I started the tune, was that it had been off my radar. for so long that I had had to get on YouTube and listen to my own fucking song to remember how to play it. Amazing.

Good Crowd, Good Times
For whatever reason -- perhaps because I was playing music as opposed to frantically working as I have been in recent weeks -- I found myself in a good mood right from the start of the show. I also remembered something important: the show is more than the music being played, especially in SL where it's a challenge to engage with the audience as opposed to real life where you can look at actual people in front of you and make eye contact, and so on.

We had a crowd last night that really seemed to be enjoying themselves, and I was getting a little wacky with my banter, but they had a good time and so did I. And that, as I mentioned to them, is all that matters. That's really the only reason I do shows, beyond a rather tiny amount of money I make via fees and tips. I'd be happy doing a show with no music at all... perhaps storytelling or the like. If people enjoy it and they close their computer with a smile on their face, it doesn't matter what I'm doing onstage.

I mean, yeah, I was being weird at my show. But why be normal? Who remembers the normal shit? Photo by Kat.

Me, doing my thing. Photo by Kat.

There's an old and wise saying that says people may not remember what you say or do, but they will always remember how you made them feel. I really try and do what I can to make sure they feel better after my show than they did beforehand.

Hotel Chelsea set list...
Northern Sky (Nick Drake)
Sex & Candy (Marcy Playground)
1979 (Smashing Pumpkins)
Wonderwall (Oasis)
How Soon Is Now? (The Smiths)
Come Around (Zak Claxton)
Black Peter (Grateful Dead)
Garter Snake (Macie Stewart)
On a Plain (Nirvana)
Old Man (Neil Young)
Gardenia (Iggy Pop)

Huge thanks to everyone who hung out for the show, with super duper thanks to the following who helped support it!
Lou Netizen, Jed Luckless, SarahsaysTea Resident, AutumnFoxx Sutherland, Diana Renoir, Enticing Destiny, Kat Claxton, Trymetwice Resident, Trouble Streeter, Eyea Aya, my terrific manager Maali Beck, and Hotel Chelsea manager Shyla the Super Gecko and Chelsea's great staff!

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